Do People Like Their Name? | Post-Intermediate Reading


A Brief history of my name

As you know from my blog name, my name is Almuhdi Alif Muhammad. And mostly people called me Almuhdi or Muhdi. 

One of a strange name right?

From my own experience that I have been lived almost 20 years, there's only one person that I have meet whose same name like me.

It's enough strange to someone new who is never meet me before and ask my name. So I need to tell him/her repeat like this. 

Stranger  : Hey, what's your name?
Me             : Almuhdi
Stranger  : Huh, what?
Me             : Al-muh-di

Still happening till’ now.

Until one day when I asked to my parents, what’s the actually meaning of my name.  

This one actually kinda cute to me, Almuhdi is mixed name from my father and mother’s names. ‘Muh’ stand for my father’s, Muhammad. And ‘Di’ stand for my mother’s, Rosediana.

Is stand for the first one, from hijahiyah alphabet. And yeah, I’m an older brother to my siblings.

Taken from Prophet Muhammad pbuh.’ Name

#1. If you have a child, what would your name him or she?

I think from my experience that I told you before, probably if it’s a boy—maybe,
 I’d name him Almahdi (The better version of my name). Or Pramudya, this one is inspired from my favorite writer Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
And if it’s a girl, I’d like name her Cinta or Chacha

#2. What are your three favorite English names for males? For females


#3. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Why?

Hmm, maybe if I could change my name. I want to change to Almahdi. But, my father’s name is Muhammad not Mahammad.
Still, the answer is no thank you.

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